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Install kranXpert named user

Step 1:
Execute the kranXpert setup application 'kranXpertSetup.exe' and click on the 'Next >' button.

Step 2:
Read the license agreement select 'I accept the agreement' and click on the 'Next >' button.

Step 3:
If you wish to change the setup path click on the 'Browse...' button otherwise click on the 'Next >' button to install to the default application path.

Step 4:
Click on the 'Next >' button.

Step 5:
Click on the 'Install' button to begin the setup.

Step 6:
After all files are installed click the 'Finish' button to exit the setup.

Step 7:
To activate the application for using please start kranXpert double click on the kranXpert desktop symbol.

Step 8:
Choose the application display language and the unit metric or imperial then click on the 'ACCEPT' button.

Step 9:
Input your kranXpert CustomerID and your license Key (the key start with CD...) then click on the 'Unlock' button to activate kranXpert.